New York Building Demolition Accident Lawyers

At Gorayeb & Associates, our New York building demolition accident lawyers are dedicated to helping individuals receive maximum compensation in such cases. Here's what we do:

  1. We cover all expenses related to injury treatment and rehabilitation.
  2. We ensure reimbursement for lost wages due to the accident.
  3. We seek compensation for psychological and emotional trauma, known as pain and suffering, which includes conditions like depression or PTSD.

If you've experienced a workplace injury, seeking guidance from experienced legal professionals is crucial. Insurance companies often aim to minimize payouts, and winning construction accident cases demands specialized legal knowledge and a proven track record.

With over 35 years of experience, Gorayeb & Associates has won numerous construction accident cases in New York. We operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning you only pay if we win. We aim to secure the best possible outcome for you and your family.

We provide essential information on:

  1. How Much Money Can I Make with NYC Construction Accident Attorneys?
  2. Top 9 Dangers When Demolishing Buildings
  3. What about Asbestos Exposure during a Demolition?
  4. Top 6 Safety Measures to Be Followed When Demolishing Buildings
  5. Most Common Injuries in a Demolition Accident
  6. What Happens If a Worker Dies in a Demolition Accident?
  7. Steps to Follow after Experiencing a Demolition Accident
  8. How Can NYC Demolition Site Injury Lawyers Protect Construction Workers?
  9. In What Other Accidents Can Gorayeb & Associates Help Me?

If you or a loved one has suffered a workplace injury, contact Gorayeb & Associates. We've secured over a billion dollars in compensation for our clients. Reach out today for a free consultation.

How Much Money Can I Make with NYC Construction Accident Attorneys?

At Gorayeb & Associates, New York construction accident lawyers, we're dedicated to helping workplace injury victims receive the maximum compensation possible for their injuries.

It's important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all figure for construction accident victims when they win their cases. Each case is unique, and the final amount received varies accordingly.

What is a legal deposition in a construction accident? One crucial aspect of maximizing compensation is having experienced attorneys representing the victim. Winning these cases demands:

  • Gathering strong evidence proving the liable party's responsibility (such evidence could include structural assessments, eyewitness testimonies, or photos/videos of the accident scene).
  • Having specialized legal expertise to build a legally robust case based on the gathered evidence. Having extensive experience defeating insurance companies on behalf of workers.
  • Before hiring legal representation, workers should ensure the attorneys have a proven track record of winning cases like theirs.
Workers Compensation in the Construction Industry

Considering this, there are standard criteria typically applied in construction accident cases, such as:

  • Severity of injuries: A significant portion of compensation is based on the severity of the victim's injuries.
  • Duration of time out of work: Compensation also considers the estimated time the victim must spend unable to work due to their injuries.
  • Medical bills: Fair compensation should cover all medical expenses, including treatment (like hospitalization, surgeries, or doctor's fees) and rehabilitation costs (like follow-up appointments and therapy equipment).
  • Pain and suffering payments: These payments are made when the accident also affects the victim's psychological and emotional well-being.

Top 9 Dangers When Demolishing Buildings

A construction worker specializes in tearing down old structures and buildings. They operate heavy machinery and use hand tools to demolish smaller portions of the structure. Workers who specialize in and are certified in using explosives for demolition are known as blasters.

It's common for demolition workers to use alternative saws, jackhammers, grinders, or other tools to cut drywall, cabinets, frames, and other materials. They may also operate large machinery like excavators, loaders, or dump trucks.

Building demolition is a hazardous activity that requires careful planning and execution to prevent accidents. The following are the ten most common dangers that can occur during demolition:

  • Falling Objects

The most common danger in demolitions is objects falling unexpectedly, like debris or construction materials. These can cause serious injuries or even death. Safety measures include establishing a perimeter, using barriers, and wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent this.

  • Entanglement

During demolition, people can get trapped under debris or collapsed structures. Safety measures involve clearing the demolition area, using appropriate equipment, and controlling the structure's collapse.

  • Exposure to Hazardous Materials

Some buildings may contain hazardous materials like asbestos or lead, which can cause severe illnesses. Safety measures include assessing hazardous materials beforehand, using PPE, and containing the materials.

  • Electric Shocks

Exposed electrical wires pose a risk of electric shocks during demolition. Safety measures include disconnecting electricity, using wire detection equipment, and protecting workers from electrical exposure.

  • Explosion

Buildings may contain explosive materials, requiring evaluation and control measures like PPE and containment.

  • Fire

Having an emergency plan, using fire extinguishing equipment, and preventing fire spread are crucial safety measures during demolition.

  • Environmental Contamination

Demolition can lead to environmental pollution, so minimizing pollution through equipment choice, recycling materials, and proper waste disposal is essential.

  • Radiation Exposure

Some buildings may contain radioactive materials, requiring assessment and proper training to handle hazardous substances.

  • Tool Injuries

Tools used in demolition can cause severe injuries like cuts or blunt force trauma. Using safety tools, techniques, and PPE helps prevent injuries.

What about Asbestos Exposure during a Demolition?

Sustancia tóxica en el trabajo

Asbestos exposure is a significant risk in demolitions. Before the 1980s, asbestos was commonly used in building construction.

In 2006, the World Health Organization published an analysis of asbestos-related diseases, stating that even very low exposures to asbestos can cause cancer.

Before demolition, the building's history should be checked to determine if asbestos may be released, and workers should be provided with the necessary protective equipment.

Top 6 Safety Measures to Be Followed When Demolishing Buildings

Building demolition requires careful planning and execution to prevent accidents. Here are the top 10 essential safety measures to follow during building demolition:

  • Risk Assessment

Conducting a risk assessment to identify potential hazards is crucial before starting demolition work. Factors to consider include the type of structure being demolished, the method used, weather conditions, and the presence of people and properties nearby.

  • Safety Plan

Once potential hazards are identified, a safety plan must be developed. This plan should outline preventive measures for each hazard and be approved by a safety professional. It should be accessible to all workers involved in the demolition.

  • Signage and Access Control

The demolition area should be appropriately marked and controlled to prevent unauthorized access. Clear and visible signage indicating specific hazards in each region is essential.

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential for safeguarding workers involved in demolition activities. This equipment includes hard hats, safety glasses, gloves, high-visibility vests, steel-toed boots, and respiratory protection. PPE helps protect workers from hazards on demolition sites, such as falling debris, airborne particles, chemical exposures, and sharp objects. Proper training on selecting, using, and maintaining PPE is crucial to ensure its effectiveness in preventing injuries.

  • Shoring:

Shoring involves installing temporary support structures to prevent the collapse of buildings or structures during demolition. When demolishing load-bearing walls, floors, or roofs, it is essential to maintain the stability of adjacent structures and protect workers from potential collapses. Shoring systems should be designed, installed, and inspected by qualified engineers or construction professionals to ensure they meet safety standards and withstand the loads and forces exerted during demolition activities.

  • Supervision:

Adequate supervision ensures demolition work is carried out safely and complies with established safety protocols and regulations. A qualified professional, such as a site supervisor or project manager, should oversee the demolition process and monitor the implementation of safety measures. Supervisors are responsible for conducting pre-demolition inspections, identifying hazards, providing safety training to workers, enforcing safety procedures, and promptly addressing any safety concerns or violations. Their presence helps mitigate risks, enhances communication among workers, and fosters a safety-conscious culture on the job site.

Ecuatoriano Trabajador de Construcción Gana $9.3 Millones

Most Common Injuries in a Demolition Accident

The following injuries highlight the importance of implementing strict safety protocols and providing adequate training and protective equipment to workers involved in demolition activities.

  1. Falling Object Injuries:
    • Definition: Injuries caused by objects falling from heights during demolition, such as debris or construction materials.
    • Treatment: Treatment may involve first aid measures on-site, followed by medical evaluation for possible fractures, lacerations, or concussions. Severe cases may require surgical intervention, rehabilitation, or physical therapy.
  2. Crush Injuries:
    • Definition: Injuries from being trapped or pinned beneath heavy debris or collapsing structures during demolition.
    • Treatment: Immediate medical attention is crucial to assess and stabilize the victim. Treatment may include extrication from the debris, assessment for internal injuries or fractures, and possibly surgery to repair damaged tissues or bones.
  3. Exposure to Hazardous Materials:
    • Definition: Injuries from exposure to toxic substances like asbestos, lead, or chemicals present in old building materials during demolition.
    • Treatment: Treatment involves decontamination procedures to remove hazardous substances from the victim's body. Medical evaluation is necessary to monitor for symptoms of poisoning or respiratory issues. Long-term treatment may involve specialized medical care for conditions like asbestos-related diseases.
  4. Electrical Burns:
    • Definition: Burns caused by contact with exposed electrical wires or malfunctioning electrical systems during demolition.
    • Treatment: Immediate first aid includes stopping the electrical source and administering CPR if necessary. Medical treatment involves assessing the extent of burns, managing pain, preventing infection, and possibly surgical intervention for severe cases.
  5. Lacerations and Puncture Wounds:
    • Definition: Injuries from sharp objects or tools used in demolition, such as saws, nails, or metal fragments.
    • Treatment: Treatment involves cleaning and disinfecting the wound to prevent infection, closing the wound with sutures or staples if necessary, and administering tetanus vaccination if the victim's immunization status is not current.
  6. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI):
    • Definition: Injuries to the brain caused by blunt force trauma or head impacts during demolition accidents.
    • Treatment: Treatment includes immediate assessment for signs of TBI, such as loss of consciousness, confusion, or nausea. Medical intervention may involve imaging tests (CT or MRI scans) to evaluate brain injury severity, followed by appropriate management, rehabilitation, and long-term monitoring.
  7. Respiratory Injuries:
    • Definition: Injuries affecting the respiratory system caused by inhalation of dust, smoke, or toxic fumes generated during demolition, leading to conditions like asthma, bronchitis, or chemical pneumonitis.
    • Treatment: Treatment involves administering oxygen therapy, bronchodilators, or corticosteroids to relieve symptoms and improve lung function. Long-term management may require avoiding further exposure to respiratory irritants and regular monitoring by a pulmonologist.
  8. Musculoskeletal Injuries:
    • Definition: Injuries affecting muscles, bones, ligaments, or tendons due to overexertion, heavy lifting, or repetitive motions during demolition tasks.
    • Treatment: Treatment includes rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) therapy for acute injuries, followed by physical therapy to restore strength and mobility. Severe cases may require surgical intervention for fractures or torn ligaments.
  9. Eye Injuries:
    • Definition: Eye injuries caused by flying debris, dust, or chemical exposure during demolition activities, such as corneal abrasions, foreign body injuries, or chemical burns.
    • Treatment: Immediate treatment involves flushing the eyes with clean water to remove debris or chemicals, followed by a thorough eye examination to assess for damage. Treatment may include antibiotic or anti-inflammatory eye drops and protective eye patches for severe injuries.
  10. Heat-Related Injuries:
    • Definition: Injuries resulting from prolonged exposure to high temperatures or strenuous physical activity in hot environments during demolition work, leading to heat exhaustion, heat stroke, or dehydration.
    • Treatment: Treatment involves moving the individual to a more relaxed environment, hydrating with water or electrolyte solutions, and cooling the body with cold compresses or immersion in cool water. Severe cases of heat stroke require immediate medical attention. They may involve intravenous fluids and rapid cooling measures in a hospital setting.

What Happens If a Worker Dies in a Demolition Accident?

When a worker dies in a construction accident, their close relatives have the right to claim compensation to provide economic stability during their grieving process.

Wrongful death attorneys assist families in receiving this compensation, which may include benefits such as:

  • Coverage of funeral and burial expenses.
  • Compensation for family members who were financially dependent on the victim.
  • Loss of consortium (a benefit typically available to the victim's spouse).

Steps to Follow after Experiencing a Demolition Accident

Steps to Follow after Experiencing a Demolition Accident:

Trabajos peligrosos
  1. Assess the Situation:
    • Immediately after the accident, assess your surroundings and check yourself and others for injuries. If anyone is seriously hurt, call for emergency medical assistance.
  2. Notify Your Supervisor:
    • Report the accident to your supervisor or site manager as soon as possible. Provide details of what happened and any injuries sustained.
  3. Document the Accident:
    • Take photos of the accident scene, including any hazardous conditions or equipment involved. Collect contact information from witnesses who saw the accident occur.
  4. Seek Medical Attention:
    • Even if your injuries seem minor, seek medical attention promptly. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent but could worsen without treatment.
  5. Report the Accident to Your Employer:
    • Inform your employer of the accident and your injuries. Follow their procedures for reporting workplace accidents, which may involve completing an incident report.
  6. Keep Records:
    • Keep detailed records of all medical treatments, including doctor visits, prescriptions, and rehabilitation sessions. Also, document any time missed from work due to the accident.
  7. File a Workers' Compensation Claim:
    • In New York, you're entitled to workers' compensation benefits if you're injured on the job. To start the process, file a claim with the New York State Workers' Compensation Board promptly.
  8. Consult with a Workers' Compensation Attorney:
    • Consider consulting with a workers' compensation attorney who specializes in demolition accidents. They can help you navigate the claims process, protect your rights, and maximize your compensation.
  9. Follow Medical Advice:
    • Follow your doctor's instructions for treatment and rehabilitation. Attend all scheduled medical appointments and therapies to facilitate your recovery.
  10. Seek Legal Help if Needed:
    • If your workers' compensation claim is denied or you encounter challenges, seek legal assistance promptly. An experienced attorney from Gorayeb & Associates can advocate for your rights and help appeal the decision if necessary, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses.

How Can NYC Demolition Site Injury Lawyers Protect Construction Workers?

New York legislation protects construction workers in several ways:

  • Safety Regulations: The law sets safety standards for construction companies. These rules aim to shield workers from injuries and illnesses. Safety standards may include requirements for using personal protective equipment, eliminating hazards, and providing safety training to workers.
  • Inspections: Government agencies like the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inspect construction companies to ensure they comply with safety standards. Inspections can lead to fines or even the closure of a non-compliant company.
  • Compensation: Workers injured on the job may be entitled to compensation. Compensation can cover lost wages, medical expenses, and pain and suffering. Workers may also be eligible for disability benefits from Social Security.
  • In New York, workers involved in a construction accident have the right to claim compensation regardless of their immigration status.
¿Cuánto cobra un abogado por caso de accidente de construcción?

At Gorayeb & Associates, we specialize in assisting construction workers who experience various accidents. Some of our main areas of practice include:

In What Other Accidents Can Gorayeb & Associates Help Me?

Incidents occur while cleaning windows on buildings or structures, often involving falls from heights, slips, trips, or exposure to hazardous materials or equipment.

Accidents involving the improper use, setup, or maintenance of ladders, resulting in falls, instability, or other injuries to workers using the ladder.

Accidents related to the erection, use, or dismantling of scaffolding platforms typically result in falls, collapses, or injuries caused by falling objects.

These are instances where a building's roof structure fails, either partially or completely, often due to structural weaknesses, overloading, or adverse weather conditions, resulting in injuries to workers below.

Accidents involving crane operation, assembly, or disassembly result in structural failures, collapses, or accidents such as crane tip-overs, drops, or swinging loads.

Incidents resulting in eye injuries, such as cuts, punctures, chemical exposures, or foreign object penetration, are often caused by flying debris, hazardous substances, or inadequate eye protection.

Accidents occur during roofing installation, repair, or maintenance tasks, including falls from heights, slips, trips, or injuries caused by roofing materials or equipment.

Incidents involving the dropping, shifting, or dislodging of objects, materials, or debris from heights can lead to injuries or fatalities to workers below.

Accidents involving the operation or use of power saws, such as circular saws, chainsaws, or reciprocating saws, resulting in lacerations, amputations, or other traumatic injuries.

Accidents where workers fall from elevated surfaces, such as scaffolds, ladders, roofs, or elevated platforms, are often due to slips, trips, inadequate fall protection, or unsafe working conditions.

Accidents involving construction elevators or hoists, including malfunctions, collapses, or falls, result in injuries or fatalities to workers using the equipment.

Incidents involving the operation, maintenance, or interaction with various types of machinery or heavy equipment on construction sites lead to crush injuries, entanglement, or other severe injuries.

These are just a few examples of the types of construction accidents we handle. If you've been injured in any construction-related incident, don't hesitate to contact us for assistance.

Seeking New York Demolition Accident Legal Help? Call Gorayeb & Associates Now!

Suppose you or someone dear to you has experienced a workplace injury. In that case, our New York building demolition accident lawyers are dedicated to helping you secure the highest possible compensation for your situation. With a track record of winning over one billion dollars for our clients, we're committed to providing you with the legal assistance you need. Don't hesitate to reach out and schedule your free consultation with us today.

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