10 Most Common Workplace Injuries

Abogado Christopher J. Gorayeb

The accidents at work result in physical or mental injuries or psychological injuries that the worker may suffer as a result of his or her work activities.

Although more and more emphasis is being placed on their prevention, the latest figures indicate that, in the last year, work-related injuries have increased by 6.9%. In absolute figures, the total number rises to 2.8 million accidents at work in 2020.

For that reason, we invite you to learn about the most common types of workplace injuries that exist and the steps you can take in case one of these events happens.

Back Injuries

Some occupations require the worker to lift excessively heavy objects or perform duties in locations where there is an increased risk of slips and falls. If an action is performed improperly, a minor workplace accident could develop into severe, throbbing back pain.

Injuries of this type can cause long-term health problems, especially if they involve fractured vertebrae or lack of proper medical care. When vertebrae are fractured, it means that one or more bones in the spine have been broken, which could cause great discomfort in the area and in other parts of the body if it is very severe.

Fractures are often obvious. If a person is in an accident and suffers a back injury, the area will be instantly sore and swollen or bulging if any bones are broken or damaged. Specialized care is recommended as soon as possible because complex back injuries can lead to nerve impingement or paralysis.

It should be noted that work-related injuries that can cause chronic pain in the back area (including cervical, thoracic and lumbar) usually indicate mechanical dysfunction in the spine or any of its components. In addition, there are certain mechanical aspects that can increase pain, such as:

– Tears or sprains:

The muscles or tendons in your back can strain or tear if the soft tissue is overstretched. Vigorous heavy lifting or improper movements while lifting a load above the knees can increase the risk of strains or tears.

– Herniated disc/bulging disc:

The spine has thick, flexible pads of tissue between the bony vertebrae, commonly known as intervertebral discs. A disc can slip out of place due to an injury at work, bulging out of the vertebrae and pressing on sensitive spinal nerves. If this happens, acute or chronic herniated pain symptoms appear.

Head Injuries

Workers, regardless of the industry in which they work, can suffer head injuries. Some of these injuries are caused by unrestrained objects falling on people. Reports have shown that the highest incidence of these types of workplace injuries is in the construction or manufacturing industry.

Head injuries can be closed or open. Closed head injuries do not puncture the skull, while open head injuries occur when something has broken through the skull, which can cause some injury to the brain. When an employee suffers a head injury, he or she may suffer contusions, hematomas from bleeding in the brain, and even cerebral contusions.

Most people who have suffered a mild or moderate head injury usually make a full recovery without major complications. However, recovery time can vary from case to case. Generally, workers who have workplace accidents that result in injuries such as these are unable to work for some time, leaving them without income that the employer must cover through a policy or on their own.

In some cases, workers with head injuries can rack up thousands of dollars in medical bills if they are denied workers’ compensation. For that reason, it is imperative to contact an experienced workers’ compensation attorney.

Musculoskeletal Injuries

Among the most common types of work-related injuries are musculoskeletal injuries. These can encompass a variety of conditions that can be very painful and even debilitating. Depending on the degree of complexity of the injury, it can affect joints, tendons, muscles, and even nerves.

To name a few, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome and neck strain are some of the common injuries that workers often suffer. In relation to causes and classification, doctors say that musculoskeletal injuries can be categorized as: repetitive motion injuries, cervicobrachial occupational disorders, soft tissue disorders and regional musculoskeletal disorders.

Musculoskeletal injuries


Traumatic Injuries

Traumatic injuries or trauma are usually caused by hard blows with heavy objects (this includes head injuries, fractures, dislocation or other physical injuries to organs and tissues).

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These types of workplace injuries are more likely to occur in the mining, construction and manufacturing industries.

Injuries in Traffic Accidents

Workers can also be injured in traffic accidents if any of their jobs involve driving a car or other transportation vehicle, including trucks or buses. These injuries can be disabling.

Injuries from Use of Machinery and Equipment

Heavy machinery injuries can be very common, especially in factories and construction companies. They arise from the use of equipment, forklifts or fork lifts in the construction area and the most common are: bone fractures, cuts and lacerations. In more serious cases, there may be amputation of any part of the body.

Inhalation of Toxic Gases

People working in the chemical industry, including companies in the perfume, pharmaceutical or petroleum industries, can suffer accidents and injuries of this type. When they accidentally come into contact with chemicals, workers can suffer reactions in the body.

In addition, they can also develop asthma, dermatitis and even poisoning. Workers in warehouses and chemical depots are also at risk of injury from hazardous substances.

Exposure to Loud Noise

Workers can also suffer hearing injuries, such as reduced hearing ability, when they are permanently exposed to noise in airports, industrial plants, bars, nightclubs and other places.

Specialists point out that loud and permanent noise can cause a person to progressively lose his or her hearing. For that reason, it is essential to implement safety measures and use protective equipment.

Exposure to Loud Noise


What To Do If I’ve Been Injured?

If you have suffered an accident at work that led to a moderate or chronic injury, you should contact an experienced attorney immediately. Construction site work injury lawyers can help you get the compensation you need to replace the loss of income due to temporary or permanent disability.

Workplace accidents that result in injuries are often very costly. In most cases, treatment requires expensive tests, medications, surgeries, and long periods of rehabilitation or recovery during which you will not be receiving your wages unless you hire an attorney to help you sue for your workers’ compensation.

If you have applied for compensation from your employer and have been denied, seek legal and professional assistance so that you can get the financial help you need.


If you’ve suffered an injury of any kind in a construction accident, your employment future doesn’t look very promising… You may even be wondering when you’ll return to work. Beyond the pain and limitations caused by a serious injury, the future of you and your family could become a major concern.

At Gorayeb Los Abogados del Pueblo, we understand that a serious injury is never “just” an injury. It completely changes your life. We are committed to helping you secure full and fair compensation for the harm you have suffered.

If you or someone you know has been injured on a construction site call Gorayeb & Associates at 646-846-9432 for a free consultation.

Abogado Christopher J. Gorayeb

Information verified by Attorney Christopher J. Gorayeb

Founder of Gorayeb & Associates, P.C.

As one of the most preeminent personal injury lawyers in New York City, Christopher J. Gorayeb brings over 35 years of experience in litigating construction accident cases to the law firm.

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