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Trabajador en elevador

Most Common Risks for Construction Workers in New York City

Construction workers in New York City face some of the most dangerous working conditions in the country. Many of these hazards result from the failure ...
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Trabajadores en andamios

More Hispanic Construction Workers Die in New York

In 2014, 15 workers died in construction accidents. New York - Unfortunately, construction accidents continue to cause numerous deaths among Hispanics and immigrants in New York ...
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Trabajadores en andamios

Hispanic Workers Continue to Face Increased Risk of Deadly Injury

The headlines say it all: "Young Hispanic Construction Workers Most Vulnerable in U.S.," "Hispanics Most Vulnerable to Construction Injuries," and "Latino Worker Mortality Rate Rises; ...
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Trabajadores en elevador en construcción

Why Are Construction Companies Opposing New OSHA Protective Measures?

Construction industry groups recently filed a lawsuit in federal court to block new safety standards related to silica dust exposure. The new standards require employers ...
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Four Deadly Hazards - OSHA

OSHA Demonstrate the Risks to which Construction Workers Are Exposed

Every year, hundreds of construction workers die on construction sites in New York City and across the country. Thousands more suffer serious, and in many cases, life-changing ...
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Most Dangerous Jobs Construction Workers

The Most Dangerous Jobs and Workplaces for Construction Workers

While working in construction is one of the most dangerous occupations in the United States, within the industry itself there are some jobs and workplaces ...
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